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  • Scientific Promotion Committee

    Scientific Promotion University of Technology proud of  its achievements at scientific promotions in teaching, researchers, and services sectors.This commitment is revealed  through the integration of  aspects between the application of  criteria shown at the scientific promotions laws, according to  the policy of Ministery of Higher education and the applications made by the lecturers to grant  their promotion within the time limit. This commitment, quality and performance of the University's academic faculty members are crucial to the success of scientific promotions department. University of technology, which includes academics with a variety of branches is committed to becoming a prominent university through the pursuit of scientific progress of the lecturers to achieve professional and academic development to facilitate, encourage and reward outstanding academic performance and research to attract academics from all over the world to see the latest developments in various engineering branches at the UOT. Central Committee sessions Central Committee for Academic Promotion Forms Guide

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  • Postgraduate Studies

    Activities of the Graduate Studies Department   Archive of the Department of Postgraduate Studies The department of  Postgraduate Studies is considered as one of the most essential supports at the university in which it represents a link between the inputs and the outputs of postgraduate studies. In the Engineering and Scientific Departments of the University in one side and with the presidency of the University and The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the other side. This department is participating in solving all obstacles and facilitating all problems that encounter students during their career, starting from accepting them in postgraduate studies till granting them certificates. This procedure would be fulfilled through cooperation among the Vicepresident President for Scientific Affairs of The University, Heads of the Departments, Scientific Assistants of the Heads and the Postgraduate studies sections in the departments in which they all present an interwoven and complete joint at the University.   Prof. Dr. Abdulhassan A. Karamallah Head of Postgraduate Studies Department    

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  • Department of Scientific Affairs and Cultural Relations


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research and development

Activities of the Research and Development Division




The insight of the Research and Development office has been inspired by the need to enhance and develop the various scientific activities and research work of the University of Technology. The R&D office works on creating and promoting all the necessary requirements so that the University of Technology is being classified within high ranked institutions. Perusing the targets demands a strong determination and focus to generate a distinct and integrated atmosphere by applying advanced technology and engineering concepts befitting the UOT level.




The basic mission of the Research and Development office is to discover the obstacles and problems in the UOT departments and divisions and find the most appropriate solutions. One of the R & D office basics is to link the University’s departments together in order to share thoughts and suggestions about the challenges to boost the teamwork concept.




The objectives of the R & D office are focused on:


1- Evaluating the University research work and activities by doing a periodic test.


 2- Developing the University faculty capabilities by scheduling a series of workshops and informative lectures presented by pioneer professors. 


3- Upgrading the University research work through opening widely on the most recent topics.


4- Planning of the University research strategy and working on generating a consulting board for that. 



  Discussion Session Psychological counseling and educational guidance division, in cooperation
20 February 2022
  Discussion Session Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Division, in cooperation
20 February 2022
  Discussion Session Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Division, in cooperation
20 February 2022
  Discussion Session Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Division, in cooperation
20 February 2022
  Discussion Session Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Division, In cooperation
20 February 2022
     In the presence of Prof.Dr. Alaa Abdul Hassan Atiya, the assistant of the scientific affairs 
22 May 2019

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