Chemical Safety
Vision, Mission and Goals:
An active and continuous role in achieving the university's goals by implementing the tasks of controlling the circulation of CBRN materials and managing risks in a preventive, effective and efficient manner.
the message:
Our mission is to adopt the above vision and work to develop the university's performance through:
Establish comprehensive and model frameworks for risk management and safe handling of materials at the university.
Direct supervision of the implementation of risk management tasks and handling of hazardous and toxic materials.
Follow up on the work of enterprise risk management in monitoring, prevention and early warning.
Spreading the culture of risk management and the proper handling of hazardous and toxic substances in the university community.
Make the concept of standardization, evaluation and evaluation of risk management, including subjects, among university constants.
Access to business strategies that reward all possibilities of exposure to risks and their types.
Create a safe and secure university work environment free from the risks of handling various hazardous and toxic materials.
Maintaining the application of laws and regulations related to safety (both internationally and locally) at the university.
Opening horizons for cooperation between the scientific departments at the university and its research centers on the one hand, and the international funding organizations licensed by the ministry on the other hand, to obtain scientific support and grants in their various forms on the subject of chemical, biological and radiological safety and security.